A smile is not vanity … it’s your identity.

Brighten and whiten your smile with professional teeth whitening in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our dentists and team proudly offer this treatment as a way of enhancing the beauty of your smile. The whitening treatment offered by Illuminate Dentistry is safe to use and yields professional-grade results.

Dr. Rachelle Boudreau, Dr. Vincent Benedetti and our team apply a powerful, yet safe whitening gel to the surface of the teeth. This gel lightens the appearance of stains, discoloration or yellowing on the tooth enamel. As a result, you may feel a boost to your self-esteem and look forward to showing off your smile to friends and family.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

While there are many causes of tooth discoloration, staining and yellowing, there are several common reasons that our team often encounters, including:

  • Aging
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Consumption of certain foods that stain the teeth
  • Consumption of beverages like tea, wine, coffee or soda
  • Smoking and other forms of tobacco
  • Some illnesses
  • Certain medications
  • Fluorosis

What Is the Difference Between Professional Whitening and Store-Bought Whitening?
Although teeth whitening kits can be found at most drugstores, grocery stores and online shops, there is a difference between professional-quality whitening materials and over-the-counter ones. When you get your teeth whitened with materials from the dentist, you are increasing the likelihood that you will finish with a more evenly bright smile after just one treatment, whereas a store-bought kit requires multiple treatments to get results. Professional whitening kits also cause less tooth sensitivity than their store-bought counterparts.

Call 513-772-0722 to set up your appointment with our team. We look forward to caring for your smile!


Our patients have consistently been satisfied with the results of their services with us. We love taking care of each patient's individual needs and bringing smiles back to their faces. The results speak for themselves!


Brighten Up.