A smile is not vanity … it’s your identity.

If you would like to achieve a smile that would rival those of celebrities, our dentists and team may recommend that you enhance your smile with dental veneers.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are ultra-thin shells that are bonded to the front of teeth to enhance your smile and eliminate the appearance of cosmetic flaws. Typically, dental veneers are made from either porcelain or a tooth-colored resin material. Porcelain is a very popular choice because its appearance matches the natural tooth enamel. Additionally, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and can give you a smile that will look great for years to come. Resin veneers can be color-matched to your natural smile or can be made to subtly whiten your teeth.

What Can Dental Veneers Do for My Smile?

Our dentists and team can use dental veneers to treat a myriad of cosmetic flaws that commonly appear in teeth, including:

  • Large spaces and gaps between the teeth
  • Severely stained and discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth
  • Broken, chipped or worn teeth

If you are interested in getting dental veneers in Cincinnati, Ohio, call Illuminate Dentistry at 513-772-0722 to set up an appointment. Dr. Rachelle Boudreau or Dr. Vincent Benedetti can help you create a look that you will feel excited about.


Our patients have consistently been satisfied with the results of their services with us. We love taking care of each patient's individual needs and bringing smiles back to their faces. The results speak for themselves!


Brighten Up.